Do you have a date with the boy you love and you got a giant pimple? You have to try these spot treatments!
We use fingers, pins, and the most sadistic methods to get rid of a pimple and end up with a red, irritated, peeling area, and worse still, it’s still there. Here, seven reasons why you should use a spot treatment.
Why use a spot treatment?
- They are treatments to reduce inflammation and remove redness instantly, while eliminating the bacteria from the pimple.
- They are formulated to work in localized areas, not to be used all over the face.
- They have high concentrations of active ingredients such as salicylic acid, the most well-known component for treating acne problems, since it cleanses and decongests the pores, giving the skin a light exfoliation.
- Their formula is based on tea tree oil , which is great for sensitive skin, has antibacterial properties, reduces inflammation, prevents skin from irritating, and is a natural ingredient!
- There is also benzolium peroxide which, although just as effective, is a more aggressive ingredient that can irritate sensitive skin.
- Apply them at the moment you feel that the grain is going to come out.
- Use them two to three times a day, as the ingredients tend to dry out the skin.
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