If I have sensitive skin, what ingredients should I avoid in my cosmetics?

Itching, redness or sensitivity can be solved if we know what we can apply and what we should avoid.

  • Sensitive skin is vulnerable to temperature changes or emotional processes.
  • Itching or redness can be solved if we avoid specific products and ingredients.
  • This Mercadona cream has been the best discovery for my sensitive skin.

Those people who have and suffer the consequences of having sensitive skin know it. They know what external phenomena they must protect their dermis from so that it does not crack or redden so easily.

The Spanish Association of Dermatology and Venerology defines sensitive skin as “a syndrome that is mainly manifested by subjective symptoms such as itching, pain, tightness, imprecise discomfort and, sometimes, it is associated with local signs of irritation”.

Along the same lines and as the group of dermatologists collected in their own blog, sensitive skin usually occurs when there is a decrease in the thickness of the horny layer (the outermost part of the epidermis) and an alteration in the barrier function of our skin. Skin. As a consequence and given this very particular context, the skin of this type of patient responds differently and even exaggeratedly to environmental stimuli.

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Yes to soothing principles, no to physical exfoliation

In the same way that living with atopic dermatitis can be very annoying until we find the right products, sensitive skin is something that can also cause the occasional headache because depending on the environmental circumstances you may have to deal with itching. , stinging or burning.

“The evaluation of a specialist is essential for a correct diagnosis and to rule out diseases that cause skin sensitivity , including demodecidosis (diseases caused by mites), rosacea , seborrheic dermatitis or contact eczema”, they affirm from the dermatological association .

Thus, once we know that we do indeed have a sensitive skin problem diagnosed by a professional, we must get a specific cosmetic bag for this skin condition and whose objective is to avoid irritation and treat skin reactivity.

Along these lines, dermatologists recommend avoiding aggressive facial cleansing or, in other words, the idea of ​​exfoliating the skin frequently should be discarded. Likewise, when it comes to deep cleaning, it is advisable to bet on cleansing milks rather than make-up remover soap and avoid toners that contain alcohol among their ingredients.

Components such as alcohol, lanolin, artificial colors and fragrances are often known as irritating triggers that, as the name suggests, have the ability to alter the protective layer of sensitive skin. Likewise, retinoids and the famous beta-hydroxy acids are totally discouraged for this type of skin.

On the contrary, there are ingredients and products to prevent aging or acne that are suitable for sensitive skin. According to Medik8 experts, niacinamide and products made from isolated and trace-free cannabidiol help improve the appearance of our dermis without altering it or causing it to react.

Similarly, if all the above advice does not seem enough to keep your sensitive skin under control, more and more clinics specialized in dermatology carry out what is known as a personalized test for each type of skin and based on the results of the same, almost one prescription is prescribed.

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