Do you notice small scales on the skin of the head accompanied by a sensation of itching or pain in this area? If you suffer from these symptoms, you may have scalp psoriasis , a different condition than capillary dermatitis and rare among the population. Even so, it is worth being alert and, for this reason, today we explain everything you need to know about this skin disease and how to treat it correctly.
Psoriasis on the scalp: what is it?
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by the presence of erythematous plaques. Affects 2-3% of the population and is somewhat more frequent among the male gender. It can manifest at any age, although it usually begins between the ages of 15 and 35.
To better understand what psoriasis on the scalp is, we must first explain the difference with dermatitis. It is true that they share some similar signs and symptoms, such as scaly patches, but they are two different conditions. Seborrheic dermatitis , for example, can disappear without treatment, although in most cases a specific one is required.
Another difference: the scales of psoriasis are usually somewhat thicker than seborrheic dermatitis and somewhat drier in appearance. This condition can also extend somewhat beyond the hairline, something that does not happen in dermatitis, and it is normal for it to affect other parts of the body (especially joints: knees, elbows…).
In appearance, scalp psoriasis appears dusty with a silver sheen , while seborrheic dermatitis is more yellowish in tone and oilier.
What are the symptoms?
The most common symptoms of psoriasis on the scalp range from fine scaling that looks like dandruff to thick, crusty plaques that cover all of the skin. These are the most common :
- Reddened skin covered with silver scales.
- Scaling similar to dandruff.
- Dry scalp.
- Itch.
- Burning sensation or pain.
- Also, this disease can appear regardless of the type of hair you have .

Hair loss due to psoriasis
And what about hair loss? Is it possible that psoriasis causes a prolonged loss of our hair? Answering this question is not easy, but we will try to clarify it in a simple way.
Psoriasis itself does not cause hair loss . Instead, the symptoms produced by this condition can cause this fall. Those who suffer from psoriasis know that on many occasions scratching the scalp is unavoidable, causing injuries (it can lead to bleeding) and, therefore, temporary hair loss . The good news is that once the psoriasis clears up in this area, hair grows back at its normal rate.
In the event that you also have a presence of oil, here are some tips and the best shampoos to combat oily hair .
Treatment for psoriasis on the scalp
Once we have diagnosed psoriasis on our scalp, we must get down to work. As with most conditions, there are treatments that can alleviate the symptoms and fix the problem. Many people get relief from a shampoo and others from a medical solution. It will depend on the severity of the case.
We are going to focus on a treatment that includes a specific shampoo for psoriasis on the scalp + hair tonic .
best shampoo for hair psoriasis
Balance Tricology Drag Shampoo is a product indicated for the treatment of psoriasis on the scalp . Thanks to its gentle formula, rich in plant active ingredients and natural ingredients, it acts by cleaning the hair and eliminating any impurities from the scalp resulting from skin disorders such as scaling (psoriasis) or seborrheic processes.
It is a shampoo that provides a conditioning and comfort effect when used and its continued application will keep the scalp in good condition . Another of its advantages is that it will help you reduce the need to use pharmacological treatments. And to enhance the effect of this shampoo, it is recommended to use the Balance balancing hair tonic , formulated with natural polyphenols and microbiota-balancing active ingredients, among other ingredients. Here we leave you, by the way, what is the INCI in cosmetics and how you should learn to interpret it it .
It is important to note that the entire Organic Care Tricology line has been specially developed and tested for the treatment and prevention of anomalies and conditions of the hair and scalp. Many hairdressing professionals have already included this line in their centers to expand their services and offer more personalized advice to their clients on hair health after carrying out a detailed trichological study .
Conclusions about scalp psoriasis
The positive news about this condition is that its signs and symptoms can come and go. Some people only have a mild flare-up, while others have multiple flare-ups, which can range from mild to severe. The key, as we have already indicated, is to follow the appropriate treatment , for which we recommend that you first consult a trichologist (specialist in hair health).
And remember that no matter how severe your scalp psoriasis is, there are options for treating itching and scaling, from over-the -counter shampoos and topicals to phototherapy, oral treatments, and biologics.