Can you run with makeup on or is it bad for your skin?

The next December 31 will take place the Nationale-Nederlanden San Silvestre Vallecana. A massive race in which thousands of people participate every year. Some wonder if they can take the tour with a touch of makeup. We tell you.

Every December 31, a massive race takes place in Madrid: the Nationale-Nederlanden San Silvestre Vallecana . A 10-kilometer route that begins at the Bernabéu Stadium and ends at the Vallecas Stadium. It is a race in which thousands of people participate each year.

A few weeks ago, the mayor of Madrid, Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida, presented the San Silvestre Vallecana 2022, stating that 40,000 runners will participate, of which 18,000 will be women. Every year we see female participants complete the course with their faces made up, but is this bad for the skin?

According to experts, due to the sweating effect that occurs when doing physical exercise, it is more advisable to do sports with a clean face . The ideal is to allow the skin to breathe and the face to remain clean due to the perspiration of the complexion and the secretions of fat that are produced when practicing sports.

For this reason, applying makeup to play sports can be a double-edged sword, since when doing any physical activity, the sweat glands begin to act and pore dilation occurs. So using makeup or any product that obstructs its output can lead to conditions such as acne breakouts, folliculitis and other skin disorders.

However, despite the recommendations of the experts, there are many people who consider that they always need to wear some makeup on their face, either due to insecurities or simply because they prefer it that way.

If this is your case, we leave you a list of makeup alternatives suitable for sports activities.

Makeup products that you can use when doing sports
Sun protection with color

If you want to wear something that covers imperfections and works as a makeup base or concealer, you can always resort to sun protection creams for the face that include a touch of color such as BB Creams .

fashionnostop makeup on or is it bad for your skin

Waterproof mascara

Adding volume and color to the eyelashes can completely change the look and give it the touch of depth that you are looking for to mark a before and after in makeup.

To prevent the color from coming off due to sweating, be sure to use a waterproof mascara.

eyebrow fixer

If you want to avoid having disheveled eyebrows, you can resort to a transparent fixer that will allow you to keep them in place during the course of sports activity.

Matte lipsticks

If you want to add a touch of color to your lips, we recommend opting for lipstick with a mattifying effect. This will ensure that you maintain the color and prevent it from coming off with sweat or saliva.

Recommendations for the use of makeup when doing sports

Although it is not the best option, if you choose to use traditional makeup products, it is more advisable to use fluid foundations and concealers, as well as those that are resistant to water and perspiration .

Another important aspect is that they are free of oils since during sports activity the sebaceous glands generate oil naturally. For this reason, to prevent acne from being generated, we must look for oil-free products .

In addition, you should check that the makeup is non-comedogenic , that is, that it does not clog the pores of the skin excessively, since, as we have mentioned, the pores dilate when doing sports and this can cause imperfections to appear on your skin.

There are moisturizing creams with touches of color that can help you achieve the effect you want without using a makeup base as such. They do not cause as many problems as makeup, since they allow sweating properly.

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