Moisturize (without plumping) the lips with hyaluronic acid

Non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid hydrates the lips, improves the turgor of the skin and eliminates wrinkles that form on the lips without altering the shape of the mouth or increasing its volume in the slightest.

Absolutely true: non-crosslinking hyaluronic acid mitigates the impact of aging on the lips. It only removes wrinkles, smoothes the lip surface and revives the natural whitish tone that reveals dehydration. It doesn’t seem like much to me.

“I fear being like Carmen de Mairena”. How many times have you heard this -understandable, although outdated- fear from the lips of a similar one?

It is convenient to distinguish between beauty applications that present hyaluronic acid infiltrations. If we talk about facial fillers, be it cheekbones, nasolabial folds, corners or ‘redrawing’ lips , it will necessarily be cross – linked hyaluronic acid , a ‘solid’ material (always resorbable and highly biocompatible) that is installed in the tissue to recreate the volumes that are lost with age (or that were never possessed by genetics). It is the only case that could have the potential to end up with exaggerated and unwanted ‘snouts’, although the truth is that naturalness is usually the guide for any intervention, both from the perspective of the esthetician and the consumer.

fashionnostop Moisturize lips

In the case of hydration with the aim of rejuvenating the lips, non-crosslinked (or minimally crosslinked) hyaluronic acid is used to encourage collagen and elastin formation and discreetly tighten the skin. This particular procedure, Dr. Pérez Sevilla tells us, “is performed by infiltration with a cannula just under the skin of the mucosa. In addition to improving the turgor of the skin, we manage to eliminate the small vertical wrinkles that form on the lip. The result is appreciated from the first moment, there is hardly any recovery time and, therefore, there is almost no inflammation”.

The best thing about this treatment, say those who have tried it, is that the lips are ‘like those of a person who drinks water. During the time that hyaluronic acid persists, lips defy weather conditions, however extreme they may be.

As you know, hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in the body and one of its abilities is to capture water, which helps the skin stay hydrated and firm. The synthetic form is easily reabsorbed and does not generate any side effects in the body.

The price varies depending on the chosen clinic.

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