Lip retouching is one of the most frequently performed treatments in aesthetic medicine clinics.

According to the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME) , there are more and more young women under the age of 25 who decide to increase their lips.

Either to increase self-esteem, because they have too thin lips or because they want to look better. There are social networks and the filters that are used in photographs: they want you to admire them. With well-defined and hydrated lips they feel safe. Of course, some of the trends have nothing to do in our country , such as Russian lips , which appear on Instagram or Tik Tok in which women seem to have literally placed two sausages in their mouths.

Fortunately, our specialists in aesthetic medicine do not endorse this type of lip retouching and prefer much more natural treatments. Dr. Morales Raya, one of the great dermatologists that we have in Spain, is committed to naturalness and to age with dignity. Dr. Cristina Eguren echoed a few days ago on social networks about the “proliferation of an absolutely disproportionate and deformed lip model”. What is being done right now in lip retouching?

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This type of retouching of such puffy lips is not common in Spain and our doctors look for a more normal volume and outline that harmonizes with the rest of the face.

What can worry us is whether from such a young age, the 25 years that the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME) counts, it is normal to start retouching parts of the body. At 25 years old, it didn’t even cross my mind to do some “arrangement” on my face. Cleaning and hydration was what we did.

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The most requested in lip retouching is profiling and hydration

“The improvement of the products and the new techniques mean that you can treat a lip from the prevention of aging. In fact, what is most requested is profiling and hydration to prevent these wrinkles from forming and so that the lip does not lose its natural hydration and turgidity”, says Dr. Morales Raya.

As the volume also matters because there are people who do these lip augmentations without reaching the super lips that we see in some celebrities. There are patients – continues Dr. Morales Raya – who due to their constitution have very little volume in the lip or a disproportionate lip with respect to their other facial anatomical elements and the lip has to be harmonized with the rest of the face to make it look beautiful” .

fashionnostop Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is the winner in lip retouching

Hyaluronic acid is the leading dermal filler. According to Dr. Morales Raya “ not all are good. For me, it has to meet three premises: that they use a technology that is cross-linked, that it is totally biosimilar and, above all, that the integration into the tissue is perfect so that no lumps or lumps or anything can be seen. You have to look for a quality product. ”

“Hyaluronic acid is biocompatible, therefore completely safe and reversible, something that often worries many clients but thanks to hyaluronidase they are 100% calm. In addition, not only are the lips enlarged to our liking, they can also be shaped, evened out or balanced, and even hide the gums” , says Andrea Serrano , director of the Mangata beauty and aesthetic medicine center in Madrid.

Good results even for women over 60 years of age

What happens with this type of lip touch-up is that you have to do it every 7 or 8 months, although according to Dr. Morales Rayo “you never go back to the starting point because you are avoiding that aging but you do have to repeat it. To this day, no treatment in aesthetic dermatology or aesthetic medicine is permanent. And we already know the side effects that permanent procedures with silicones have with acrylates, biopolymers. The hyaluronic acid is oriented towards maintenance”.

The good thing is that this lip touch-up can be done at any age, it even gives great results in women over 6 years of age. “The treatment for aged lips is for me the most grateful on a facial level -continues Morales Raya- . Above all because it requires very little investment in the product, which is why it is not an excessively expensive treatment, and since it is a central anatomical element, the improvement it achieves in the rest of the face compensates much more than other anatomical elements. Very good results are obtained with little product, both in the profiling and drawing of the lip anatomy, as well as in the inversion and drooping of the lip.

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