Have you thought about changing shoes or sandals? They could be the cause of your cracked heels.
Sandal season is here! Of course, if you are trying to make an appointment to get a pedicure , you will have verified that it is an impossible mission: until September they have almost no appointment. And what can you do now to repair your dry feet and show them off on the beach? Well, take care of your cracked heels at home: the time has come to learn how to take care of them yourself. (Not that hard.) Also, it would be interesting to also do some investigative work and find out what exactly is causing the bottom of your feet to be like this.

Causes of cracked heels
There can be a number of different causes of cracked heels , such as having eczema, which is often genetic and is more common on the hands and feet, explains dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd. But she also says that age can play a role, as “as people age their skin tends to become drier and produces fewer natural oils.
Other causes of dry and cracked heels , as explained by Dr. Miguel Cunha, surgical podiatrist and founder of Gotham Footcare , can be:
- diabetes
- hypothyroidism
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Juvenile plantar dermatosis
- Infections like athlete’s foot
- Biomechanical factors such as flat feet or heel spurs.
- Standing for a long time, especially on hard floors.
- Wearing open or ill-fitting shoes
- Exposure to dry and cold weather
To heal cracked heels , follow these four easy steps from the experts.
Step 1: Soak your feet and exfoliate them
Once a week, set aside some time after you shower to treat your feet. The key is to soak your dry feet in hot water for 10-15 minutes . If you feel like it, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or use a prepared foot soap or solution, such as Dr. Teal’s Pure Epsom Salt , which contains salt, lavender and aloe vera to repair and refresh the feet. feet (for a reason it has more than 3,000 reviews on Amazon).
Soaking your feet will soften the calloused skin and make it easier for the pumice stone or foot file to do its job later.
Step 2: Hydration
For hardened heels, it is crucial to use a moisturizer on a daily basis . Look for one that contains urea or lactic acid on the ingredient label, as these will exfoliate as well as hydrate,” explains Emily Splichal, a podiatrist specializing in human movement.
Doctor Cunha recommends softening the feet with the gel or moisturizing cream with 40% urea. “I tell my patients to apply it evenly to both feet at night, wrap their feet in cling film , and wear socks to bed.”
You can also look in your pantry for a DIY solution. You can apply any oil – olive or coconut… – to the heel, but wait to do it after soaking your feet, as the oils act as moisture sealers,” continues the expert.
Step 3: choose the right shoes
If the skin on your heels constantly cracks, it may be time to take a look at your shoe collection, as some pairs can aggravate heels, “especially tighter ones that restrict movement, like running shoes or boots .” , or those with a rigid heel counter (the small plastic insert used to reinforce the heel counter and increase support),” they point out.
Step 4: Make foot care part of your regular routine
Just like you do with your skincare routine , you should apply the same discipline to your feet, even after you’ve healed them. The best treatment for cracked heels is to avoid them in the first place, which is accomplished with daily moisturizing and weekly exfoliation ,” the experts advise.