Although perspiration is a natural and normal function of the body to regulate our temperature, it can become a real daily annoyance.
Whether it’s a hot summer day, during a workout or before an important meeting, when you feel the temperature rising, your body sweats to cool down.
However, if your body doesn’t need to cool down, but you’re still sweating a lot, it could be a sign of excessive sweating.
Although excessive sweating is not considered a serious illness, it can have a significant impact on confidence and self-esteem, and affect your daily life and social interactions. Excessive sweating can also lead to feelings of skin irritation.
Sweating can be concentrated in specific areas, such as the hands, feet, armpits, and face, or be more generalized, affecting the whole body.
Here are some of the signs to look out for to recognize it:
Sweaty or wet hands : Sweating also affects your extremities, sometimes causing you difficulty using a computer or turning a doorknob due to your sweaty hands. This sweating can also occur on the feet.
Soaked clothes : Sweat is often visible to the eye (droplets) and leaves visible sweat marks on your clothes.
Frequent sweating : Excessive sweating occurs at least once a week (not counting night sweats).
Unusual conditions : Sweating in cool weather or without any known triggers can be a sign of excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating can be caused by different factors:
- Pregnancy
- Menopause
- Obesity
- Stress or anxiety
- Heredity
- Hyperthyroidism
And the night?
If the temperature in your bedroom or bed is too warm, you may occasionally sweat during the night: this is completely normal!
However, if you frequently wake up to soaking wet sheets and pajamas, it could be night sweats and it might be time to find the cause.
If you’re wondering how to reduce or stop sweating, just remember that sweating is completely normal – and vital for your body. You won’t be able to completely stop sweating, but there are ways to reduce and control it.
If you sweat excessively, there are several ways to reduce the amount of sweat, including using an extra effective antiperspirant and changing your lifestyle:
Use Dry Control DEODORANT. Dry armpits to maximize its effectiveness.
Prefer breathable clothing made of natural fibers (such as cotton, linen, wool or silk) and loose-fitting to let your skin breathe and limit the rise in body heat. During exercise, you can choose fabrics that wick away sweat. The same goes for the choice of shoes and socks.
Pay attention to what you eat. Certain foods can increase sweating, such as alcohol, caffeine, or spicy foods. Avoiding or reducing them can help reduce excessive sweating.
Wash daily with a gentle product that respects the natural balance of the skin! Daily personal hygiene is important to reduce bacteria and unwanted odors, especially in areas where you sweat the most.