And they do wonders not only for your hair, but also for your complexion.
Having silk covers and putting them on our pillows may seem unnecessary, but we suggest you add them to your life, because you will see great benefits on your hair and complexion!
It turns out that silk is a fine material that has various amino acids and proteins , where the most prominent is sericin . This protein serves to protect the skin and hair, and also, the bacteria do not stay as concentrated in your pillow, as it happens in a traditional cotton cover. Isn’t it amazing? Discover everything they can do for you!
Benefits of silk hair covers
According to dermatologist Laura Dyer, sericin helps keep hair in good condition and also promotes its nutrition , thanks to how soft and delicate the silk sheaths are . For this reason, they are highly recommended for those who have Chinese hair, since it requires more care – although girls with straight hair will also be blessed by their qualities.
In addition, they prevent frizz and knots that are generated at night with movement while you sleep, so you won’t suffer from bothersome split ends and breakage either.

Benefits of silk covers for the skin
Silk covers are so delicate and with fine fabrics that they do not harbor as many bacteria, which makes them your best ally to avoid annoying acne breakouts and pimples . If you have very sensitive or oily skin, then say hello to your new best friend: silk.
In the same way, its material is so soft that it prevents the formation of wrinkles when sleeping or the classic ‘pillow marked on the face’ when waking up.
TIP G : We also recommend using a mask made of this material when you rest so that you can relax more, take care of the fine skin around your eyes and wake up with all the attitude the next day.
In particular, we love silk covers for all the great benefits they have for our skin and hair , and for how luxurious they feel to the touch. You deserve that dose of softness every time you go to sleep!

What are you waiting for to go for a pair right NOW and enjoy everything they have to offer? If they don’t fit your budget, you can buy satin and make your own fitted covers to the size of your pillow. Its properties may not be exactly the same, but it turns out better than cotton!