
How to make your own reusable makeup remover pads

In our desire for 2020 to be the year of change, we are going to change the wipes and cotton discs for these reusable and DIY ones.

In our purpose of generating less waste and minimizing our carbon footprint, we have started with small changes on a day-to-day basis, such as: using a cotton mesh to go shopping , shopping in stores selling organic products and that sell in bulk, using the menstrual cup… The last change we are going to put into practice is to get rid of makeup remover wipes and cotton pads. Have you ever stopped to think about the amount of these products that you use and throw away on a daily basis? Replace them with make-up remover padsof cloth and reusable towels will mean not only a commendable gesture in favor of the environment, but also a great saving and your skin will thank you, since with cotton residues may remain and they do not completely remove the makeup or creams that you apply on your skin. The face.

What if we want to go one step further? Well, we can make our reusable fabric makeup remover discs ourselves. It’s super easy! And you will give a new life to the most worn towels and that you were thinking of renewing, and to some remnant that you have at home. We will follow the step by step proposed by Alba Baez ( @albabaez ), author of the blog ‘Nina Bonita’ , who gave us the idea of ​​this DIY with one of her Instagram posts.

Plus they are super cute! If you dare to take out your craft vein and make your makeup remover discs , we leave you here the instructions to follow:

fashionnostop make your own reusable makeup remover pads


  • Pair of scissors.
  • Towel fabric – give a new life to one that you have old at home-
  • Cotton scrap -surely you have left over from some other DIY or from a t-shirt, old shirt, or an old pillowcase-.
  • Thread.
  • Needle.

Step by step DIY

  • Grab a makeup remover pad as a model. You can make it bigger using the base of a circular pot as a guide, or the lid of a canning jar, for example.
  • Draw on the terry cloth and on the scrap as many as you want and/or fit. Remember that they have to be paired.
  • Sew one of each leaving a centimeter allowance.
  • Voila! You already have your records.
  • How to wash them? You can rinse them after each use and let them dry. When they already accumulate several passes you can put them in a wash.

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