Easy and simple Catrina makeup: 5 ideas to look pretty even if you are not an expert

This October and November create an easy and simple Catrina makeup like these that you can copy, even if you are not a makeup expert!

The month of October and November has to be celebrated with easy and simple Catrina makeup , especially for those who don’t have much time to invest in their look, don’t you think? If you want to do it and also you are not very expert in the art of makeup , right now we share the looks that will make you look spectacular without practicing too much.

You just need to follow the steps and use the right tools to succeed without dying trying. Brushes ready, let’s start!

Catrina with autumn shine

For this easy Catrina makeup, you need to dress up like you normally do with foundation, powder, blush, contour, highlighter, and your favorite brow product. Once you’re ready, emphasize the eyes with shades of orange shadows all over the lid, intensify the eye contour with black blending, and place gold glitter dots on the tear duct and in the center of the lid.

Later, paint the lips red and apply gold glitter on top. Now yes, it is time to add Catrina’s details and, for this, we suggest you use a black crayon to trace the nose, and an eyeliner to draw the corners of her mouth. Finally, spray a good layer of makeup fixer and you’re done!

beautynfacts For that autumn touch worthy of Catrina.

Catrina with white decoration

This easy Catrina makeup begins the same as the previous one: with a usual makeup routine, from the base to the lipstick . What will make the difference are the strokes that you put on top, so have a white eyeliner handy and start by drawing a cross in the center of the eyebrows with ovals on top. Then, she paints the outline of a cloud in each eye, traces garigoles from the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth and do the same on the chin as seen in the photo.

Continue with the nose, apply stones and dots where you need to decorate and finish with extra long false eyelashes.

beautynfacts Keep all the strokes on top the same color for a monochrome Catrina look.

Simple catrina, but very chic

To recreate this look you will need: black eyeliner, black shadow, red lipstick, black face paint, a skinny brush, and a very light foundation or white paint. This easy and simple Catrina makeup is much faster to do than you think.

Start by applying white paint or clear foundation to the face and neck (including the eyelids). With a thick brush, apply black shadow on the cheekbones to highlight them, as well as on the forehead; it’s like you’re doing contouring on your face.

After finishing that step, you can start with the eyes: outline them with a black pencil and, with a brush, blend the color outwards. With black shadow, make up the rest of the eyes until you create a circle that starts below the eyebrow and ends below the area of ​​the dark circles. Highlight the eyelid with more black shadow so that part is darker. Repeat the same with the other eye.

Now, take a brush and dip it into the black face paint; use it to paint your nose. With the other end of the brush, draw small circles around the other one that you created with the black shadows.

Choose a lipstick of the color you want and paint your lips. Then, with the same thin brush that you used to paint your nose, paint some lines starting from the corner of your mouth and slightly upwards. Using the same brush, paint vertical lines over your lips for a Catrina tooth effect.

Lastly, create a cute design on your forehead. You can copy the one in the video by making three raindrops with black paint.

Danna Paola-style Catrina

If you are a fan of Elite, you surely remember Danna Paola’s iconic Catrina makeup. It is a really easy proposal to replicate and we will tell you how: first, she creates an evening makeup look with dark shadows, red lips and impact eyelashes. Once you have finished the makeup, place gems around a single eye in a circle. Then, outline the outline of the gems and proceed to draw a small cross on the forehead. Once your red lipstick is dry, paint vertical black lines over the middle of your lips.

Don’t forget your flower crown and a black lace dress or blouse. You will look like a real Catrina, without spending hours putting on makeup in front of the mirror!

beautynfacts Choose stones or diamonds in the size you want and with which you feel most comfortable.

Catrina in pink tones

Jeamileth Doll, the iconic makeup Youtuber, teaches us, step by step, how to do Catrina makeup in pink tones to add color to your look. It is not the easiest on the list, but for the most experienced it is an excellent option! To recreate it, you will need a black shade of shadow and pink colors, as well as a black pencil, concealer, foundation , black and white face paint, mascara , a pair of false eyelashes, and a very thin brush.

Once you have all the materials on hand, you will start by applying foundation to your face. Now, outline your eyes with your black pencil at the top and bottom of your eyes. Continue applying concealer in a circle so that it surrounds your entire eye from below the eyebrows to the dark circles area. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to get out your brushes and eyeshadow palette because you’ll be starting with color fill.

Start covering your upper and lower eyelids with a pink shade (it has to be in a circular shape). With a darker shade, make up the tear duct area and blend it with the first shade. Once you are done, choose a color that is much lighter than the other two and paint the edge of the circle with it. Finally, take the black shadow to make up the lower eyelid (don’t forget to blend the colors!). As a final touch for the eyes, put on mascara and, if desired, false eyelashes.

Once you are done with the eyes, take a thin brush and the black face paint. If you don’t have face paint, you can opt to use black eyeliner. Now with the tool ready, draw a small circle on the nose and two parallel lines; fill the circle with black color.

With the same pink shadow from the beginning, you are going to apply makeup to the side of the forehead (on both sides). With a darker tone, highlight the shadow, but only the area that is closest to the scalp.

Now, with base or white paint, make up your lips. Then, with a black eyeliner (or a white one if you want to make a sketch before applying the black color) you are going to draw a line that highlights your cheekbones. Start at the corner of your mouth and end where your ears begin. With the same three shades of shadow that you used before, degrade the black line from dark to light. With the same black eyeliner, draw vertical lines on your lips to hide the teeth of the popular Catrina.

As a last step, get creative and create a design with white paint on your forehead. You can draw flowers, drops or a vine, for example. This design will elevate your final look.

Which of these makeups is the first you are going to test this season?

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