Crying makeup, the latest makeup trend

we understand that the latest trend in makeup surprises you, but crying makeup or sad makeup has gone viral thanks to Pinterest and Tik Tok , and from there to the street it goes one step.

If you are one of the most avant-garde, perhaps you will try it because it is a curious trend for these holidays; if you are not and you opt for a cleaner, polished and perfect makeup , this is not yours. However, the appearance of teary eyes and a red nose, as if you still have tears from the last cry, has its technique and we are going to tell you about it here.

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The creator of this crying makeup trend is a 26-year-old “influencer”, Zoe Kim Kenealy, with 26 million followers on Tik Tok and who shared the technique with great public success, I don’t know about critics. Zoe is known for her work de ella on the Disney Channel, now she invites us all to put makeup on her face de ella as if she had cried : her eyes are irritated and her nose is red.

Right now Zoe’s video has been seen by more than 5.1 million people and there are already many girls who have dared with crying makeup . The technique is not very complicated and what it is about is to give shine and a pink tone to the lips and nose. Her eyes of her are washed and bathed in tears, what a pity.

The first thing for this makeup and for any other is to apply a moisturizer and a base if you want the skin to look clean and without blemishes. Match Stix Glow, by Fenty Beauty , the brand created by singer Rihanna , is a translucent foundation that leaves a glossy veil on the skin but doesn’t make it greasy. You can apply it with your fingers, with a brush or with an applicator.

fashionnostop Crying makeup

Reddish eyeshadow to give that crying makeup touch

Now you have to blend a reddish shadow around the eyes . Go down from the lower eyelid to the middle of your cheeks so that the effect is as if you had cried.

In the market you have a thousand eye palettes. This one in the image is the Rayonnante Palette by Miss Cop, which has 15 eyeshadows in vibrant colors and highly pigmented and that will serve you well for another type of makeup.

Finish with a bit of glitter around the eyes to achieve the gloss effect.

Curly eyelashes and with black mascara.

Now it’s time to curl your eyelashes and put on a mascara to lift your eyes. Lash Sensational Sky High, from Maybelline promises to lengthen eyelashes. And it seems to be that it does lengthen the eyelashes because it is selling a lot.

The finale of the crying makeup is the blush, applied to the nose (notice that it is red from crying) and to the lips. This cream blush from Perricone MD has the word NO in its name because it looks so natural it looks like you’re wearing no makeup on, but it’s capable of “instantly adding a healthy, natural tone with a hint of blush,” she says . David Deibis, Perricone MD makeup artist . In addition, the formula offers anti-aging treatment as it contains active ingredients that improve the skin, such as Vitamin C Ester or Chinese ginger extract, great tone unifiers and perfect for treating pigmentation and luminosity.

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